Why Would I Need a Virtual Assistant?

How A Virtual Assistant Helped Me Save My Business
April 14, 2015

Why Would I Need a Virtual Assistant?

personal-assistantI read a story about a boy who asked his grandfather what is the best thing he can give as a gift. His grandfather said TIME. “But why?” the boy asked, “Why can’t you just give something like love?” His grandfather answered, “People can always give love but no one can give time. Time just comes and goes. You can never buy it nor can you give it”.

While there is truth in this story, I have found a way to work around TIME. Yes, time comes and goes but you can hire good, quality people to do your work for you so you can give your time to doing what really matters most to you.  

Imagine, there is only 24 hours in a day. Nobody gets more time or less time – everyone shares the same 24 hours. If you are a businessman, a real estate agent, a public speaker, etc. how can you do so many things within 24 hours and still be available for your family or spend time for yourself? My point is, many entrepreneurs spends so much time with their work trying to make ends meet that they just make a living instead of having a LIFE.

Now imagine, if you have one person who can do 8 hours of your job for you would that mean that you have 8 hours more to do what you’ve always wanted to do? Would that mean that you have 8 hours more to sit down and do your planning or 8 hours more to do what is more important to bring profit to your business?

The internet contains a wealth of possibilities. And just as it has opened doors for information, it has also become a vehicle for business. And if you are running a business, but find yourself needing additional manpower and personnel to keep your business thriving, you can either open a physical office and hire employees the traditional way, or hire a team of professionals who will work for you virtually.

These professionals are called Virtual Assistants or VA’s. They can provide administrative, technical, or creative support for your business just like a regular employee minus the additional cost. There are various types of virtual assistants according to their area of expertise. Some can function as a secretary who will prepare necessary documents, draft correspondences, or transcribe data. Virtual Assistants are not just your ordinary office secretary – these are trained professionals.

Just like hiring a regular employee, hiring a Virtual Assistant has both its advantages and disadvantages but compared to hiring a regular employee, hiring a Virtual Assistants will have greater benefits than disadvantages. First of all, you do not have to allot resources for office space, internet connection, and other facilities and supplies your VA may need to do the job you requested. And because you are technically contracting the services of your VA instead of carrying an employee-employer relationship in the traditional sense, you are not obligated to pay taxes, insurance or other benefits for your virtual assistant unless you have otherwise agreed earlier on. The only thing you have to provide your virtual assistant is the payment for the work produced. You also have a freer hand in specifying work hours and other conditions.

The only downside to hiring a virtual assistant is when the VA you hired is unable to deliver the work promised. It is therefore important to scrutinize applicants and choose those with considerable experience and a proven track record – luckily, Outsourced-VA has solved that problem for you already. In our 2 years of experience, we have already developed a recruitment system that will match the right VA for you.

Virtual Assistants are the key to enabling your businesses to truly take off and thrive. It is a growing profession, and when you find a virtual assistant that best suits you and who is able to deliver what you require, you will see that getting a Virtual Assistant is good business sense.

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