August 23, 2018

Why Hiring A Virtual Assistant Is The Best Decision You Can Make For Your Business

A virtual assistant (VA) is a great tool that provides rescue to businesses, especially startups and small businesses attempting to level up in their game. You […]
May 9, 2019

VIRTUAL ASSISTANT WOES: How To Stay Healthy While Working From Home

Nowadays, many people are enjoying the perks of working from home.  I mean, the fact that you don’t need to hurry up and commute to work is already a big advantage.  Add to that the benefit of being able to spend more time with your family, working from home is heaven to many. However, it’s not always pros.  There are other cons in this industry.  Many Virtual Assistants does not notice it but they start to have unhealthy habits while working from home.
October 31, 2019

Why Every Businessman Should Delegate

How many of you have ever felt that there is so little time in a day yet too many things to do? Many businessmen are so used to working things on their own that they find it hard to even start assigning tedious task to an assistant. And even if we know that delegation is the right thing to do, we find it hard to identify what task to delegate and how we can delegate it and make sure that the work is done efficiently. It's a dilemma.
November 25, 2019

I Hired a Virtual Assistant and It’s Not Working! Part 1

To be honest, we also had some clients who were, either not satisfied with our service or they just don't have anything for their VA to do.  This is very frustrating for us because our main goal is to add value to businesses and make their business life easier.  When the client does not feel that we are adding value to their business, we are very much disappointed with ourselves.